Beneath The Streets

in association with Punchdrunk Enrichment

We've all lost something.

Glasses, keys, memories, love, loved ones, our way…  Are these things gone forever or have they found a home elsewhere? Hidden in Cardiff is a world of lost things. In the shadows, behind closed doors, we await you.

Following a sold-out run in 2014, Hijinx and Punchdrunk Enrichment reunited to present the sequel to Beneath the Streets in a new location. This unique theatrical experience was nominated for Best Production in English at the Wales Theatre Awards 2015, and featured a large cast of actors with and without disabilities.

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Beneath the Streets is proof positive that to use learning disabled actors is the very opposite of tokenism. Instead, it’s smart dramatic practice: the greater the range of our community the audience sees onstage, the more convincing the piece becomes.

The Big Issue

Creative Team.

Matthew Blake


Julie Landau


Steve Dobbie

Sound Designer

Pete Higgin

Punchdrunk Enrichment Director

Alex Rowse

Punchdrunk Enrichment Producer

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If the point of theatre is to transport an audience as convincingly as possible, then Hijinx’s production is a triumph

The Big Issue

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Astounded. In all my theatregoing I’ve never been so comprehensively sucked into an imaginary world in this way. Magical, and a little bit terrifying.

Audience Comment

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Hijinx is undoubtedly doing work of great social value, it is also making a distinctive and important contribution to the ongoing debate about what theatre is and can be in Wales.

Wales Arts Review

Original Cast.

Stuart Campbell

Gareth Clark

Nicola Colmer

Denni Dennis

Cameron Eaton

Sian Fouladi

Gemma Gallagher

Amy Griggs

Marlene Hall

Sam Harding

Jeremy Linnell

Gaynor Lougher

Sherall Morris

Matthew Mullins

Richard Newnham

Marega Palser

Clare Parry Jones

Tom Powell

Matthew Purnell

Kirsty Rosser

Morgan Thomas

Curtis Williams