We’re the only professional performance training course in Wales for learning disabled and/or autistic actors and we provide opportunities that you won’t find anywhere else.

What will I learn.
You’ll learn skills including audition preparation, physical theatre, role play, improvisation, clowning, mask work, dance, and acting for screen and radio – and you’ll gain a whole load of confidence.

Who teaches us.
Our teachers are highly skilled and experienced professional performers working within the industry. Staff in different regions across Wales input into courses using local expertise, contacts and knowledge.

Where can I train.
We have four Academy Hubs based across Wales – in Cardiff, Colwyn Bay, Carmarthen and Aberystwyth.

What’s the aim.
We want to create an all-Wales network of actors with learning disabilities and/or autism. We’ll prepare you for employment as a professional performer and provide opportunities to perform in theatre, film and TV projects with Hijinx or other companies.

Discover More.
All the information you need about when and where classes and courses take place, the kind of activities we run and any associated costs. 
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